Wednesday, December 29, 2010

(thanx aishah david...hehe)

It is time to change Ku Basyirah!!

U r matured enuf to be matured..huhu

I will try my best to be da best among da best...

Saturday, December 25, 2010

me : anan, acik cantik tak?
anan : tak cantik pun
me : anan cantik tak?
anan : cantik la...

*sigh...bertuah pnya budak...perasan btol..hahaha
Kenapa sume yg dtg dkt aku mst kena pilih..kenapa mesti ada pilihan..n kenapa aku mesti kena pilih salah satu sje...benda yg paling xdisukai adlah bila kena buat kputusan utk pilih ssuatu..i hate!!

kepala akan berserabut..tido xlena...hidup xtenang slgi xbuat kputusan..dh la aku ni jenis sush nk buat kputusan..i need sumone to help me to figure out what the best for me...oh no...benci la!!

kenapa yg dtg dkt aku yg aku xpyh nk sush2 pilih..yg mmg xde pilihan..kan sng..xyah sush2 nk pk yg mne ok..just only 1 pun need to choose that one la...huhu

arghh...bencila kalo dlm DILEMA!!!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Kalaulah ada pintu doremon...aku nak balik ke masa lalu balik...nak jadi mcm bdk2 kat ats ni..
hidup sentiasa xde mslh..hepi je..dlm kepala mse tuh asyik pk maen je kan..maen..mkn...tido..maen..maen..makn..tidoo..huhuh..ohh...bhagianya hidup...
quote submitted by pocahontasonlybitchier

i'm tired..tired..tired..n..tired..waiting 4 u..:-(..

where r u??

By Tessa Yoder

smile everyone wpun terase perit utk senyum..ttp..snyum itu jgklah pengubat kpd kesakitan..;-)
"Cinta tidak buta".

Martabat cinta begitu tinggi. Jangan rendahkannya sehingga menilai ia buta...


Monday, December 20, 2010

Aku bersyukur sbb diuji begini...apa yg aku rancang xberlaku spt yg dirancang..& ujian ni jgk mengajar aku erti syukur...Thank you Allah..thank you..kalau aku xdiuji mcm ni..mungkin aku xkan sedar erti syukur tu sendiri...mungkin aku xkan sedar yg aku bkn hidup di dunia ni selama-lamanya kan..& mungkin jgk aku xkan sedar akn kehadiran org2 yg byk sgt tlg aku...thank you Allah..thank you..thank you...Kau Maha Mengetahui segala2nya..

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

he gaves me back this calm fren..maybe God has a bigger plan for me than i had for myself ..people they can only see...hear...and evaluate..but they never feel it..we must be willing to let go of the life we have as to have the life that is waiting for us..kan..kan...

I am not an amazing person and I don’t deserve the best. But everytime i fall, I always have a place to land on. =) thank you.thank you.thank you Allah.

Allah gave u the ability to make me wait. I don’t mind the waiting.I just wanna know what am i waiting for. Hati, u’re stronger now than i thought you were..

Thanx fren..i'm happy to have fren like u!!
when i'm sad je mst u ade..u must be tired kan dgr my probs...every single prob I have..i must tell u beb..wajib!!..sbb..u know me rite..heheh..thanx a lot alot alot alot fren slalu buat i'm hepy even ngs2 mcm pepuan mati laki...hahaha (u said to me kan..kan)..but..i'm sympathy with u..when u tell me ur probs..i always buat dgr xdgr kan..hahah..jht btol!!...but..act..i'm always there for u..hahaha..chewahh..dh la..ckp byk pulak..thanx dude!!

quote submitted by aggynov

quote submitted by everydayweresurvivors

By ∞madison

I just need somebody that can understand me whenever happen..always stay beside me to give spirit to me...i hate people who cant never understand me..not open minded..cant accept that i'm not a perfect person in this big worlddd...hate people who always scold me if they dont even try to understand me and never try to be in my shoesss!!!Stop assuming..stop accusing..stop scolding me...if u never ever try it!!!

One day someone will walk into your life and you will know why it never worked with anyone else...

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

what do you think bout me???hehehe is a disease..i hate this feeling very2 much!!go2 away!!

Macam mana kita nak pilih seseorang yang terbaik sebagai orang paling kita sayang?

Pnah dgr kan cite psl rumput?? conclusion bout cite rumput tuh...huhu

bila kita jumpa dgn seseorang yang kita syg, jgnla cbok2 nak cari yg lagi baik dari tu. Kita kena hargai org yg ada di depan kita baik2. jgn nak pusing belakang lagi sbb yang berlaku tetap dah berlaku. Dan semoga yang berlalu tidak lagi berulang.
Kalau kita berselisih faham dengan org yang kita syg itu, kita boleh perbetulkan keadaan dan cuba teruskan perhubungan tersebut walaupun banyak perkara yang menggugat perhubungan tersebut. Dan ingatlah orang yang kita sayang itulah kita jumpa paling cantik dan paling baik pada mulanya walaupun nak ikutkan banyak lagi yang cantik dan baik .

Tp..kalo hubungan tu sendiri mmg xleh dslmtkan lg, barulah kita cuba cari skali lg.
Maka sayangilah orang yang berada di depan kita dengan tulus dan ikhlas.

Syukurlah dgn ksh-syg yg kita dpt hari ini, sbb..kalo kita tgglkan, mayb kasih syg tu xkan kembali lg..

Tp..sedarla, kasih sayang Allah itulah yang paling hakiki,kalo kita memalingkan dri kita dari kasihNya jadi..kitalah seRUGI2 manusia....

hehehe...I have Him..i have my family..i have my frensss...that is enough for me this time..iA..;-)..bF??u ask me bout bf??..hahaha..if dia adalah jodoh sy..why not??...haha..but..i dont know who is he...hahaha...giloss

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Betol kan...even kite buat bende tu spenuh ati..try our best..but..people still cant see it..mcm erra fazira ckp..huhuh " benda yg baik..slalunye akn msuk telinge kanan n kluar tlinge kiri..but..bnde buruk..slalunye msuk telinge kanan..n akan stuck in mind..n people akn jdi creative to create bnde bruk tu jadi interesting" is true akan nmpk bnde buruk tu melebihi bnde baik yg kite pnah buat..hmm..itulah...lumrah manusia...kan..even kite pun kdg2 mcm tuh..:-(

quote submitted by aggynov

yeah..i love being me eventhough rmai yg dislike..huhuh..stiap org kan ade kelebihan n kkurangan die yg tersendiri..wpun...i'm a troublemaker in da house..but..sumtimes..ade jgk bnde yg i buat yg menggembirakan org lain..huhu..biaselah..manusia kan kdg2 xnmpk kelebihan kita..yg jelas dorg nmpk..just keburukan yg kite ade...huhu..xpelah..dh biase...mmg kite xpenah sempurna..:-(..but..i love being me!!

Peter Pan (By karin mathilda) away bad feeling....
rindukan shbt2 sy...aishah david...nad..n all jaspersss

Saturday, December 4, 2010

i really2 like his smile...oh kate kalo muke same..tu jodoh kite...adakah muke lelaki ni same with me??..(pliss..same kan!!)..hahah...wonder why i like his smile very2 much..his face when he smile is soooooo damnnn cuteee!!!!...hahaha

jeles dgn kwn2 Aishah David n Nadiyah sabri yg dpt jumpe die td kat pavillion..oh no..sgt2 jeles ok!!!xaci!!!

hehehe...ini muke aishah david mulut bentuk u menandakan tgh stress...hahaha..die kate " muke mcm stroke pun dpt tgk muke si comel jgk" (ayt yg menjeleskan ku basyirah!!)...huhu

look!!!he is cute rite??? his smile!!!

this is "KUIH"....huhu..kalo dpt ni..mesti xsggup nk mkn..terngiang2 suare spongebob dok jerit2 dlm perut nt ....oh nooo!!!!...huhu

By mylacuna

ni pun sejenis "KUIH" jgk..ingt x biskut teddy yg ade hruf2 tuh..dlu kcik2 mesti berebut nk dpt huruf "k"..bkn dlu..skg pun same jek..huhuh

he is not my son!!!gerunnn

eh...ini "KUIH penyu" sgt ni senyum la....

ok la..perut dah nyanyi lagu rock..byee!!!

sbb...i love u..hahah...euwww..jiwang lak...em..bole ke bestfren yg different sex be a besfren forever???huhu

Hmm..watever la kan what people said...hhuhu..just continue ur life as continue ur life with what u wish to be...huhu eventhough u know that u r not beautiful...hahaha

hmmm...guysss..cpt2..learn how to cook now..n u'll look very2 handsome wehhh..kamonnn....hahah


The one you love and the one who loves you never...ever...the same jgk kan...the one you love & the one who loves you...maybe the same person....hahaha...possible what!!
escapismorsomesort:  Wah! this one made it to my tumblr because the sentence here is so powerful. enough said.  good morning! :D

lovelivelaughdream:  it so does. :)

hohoho..cintan cintun pulak....tahla...hahah..tetibe terpk..umo dh 22..mak dok cbok tnye psl kawen pulak...aishhh!!!arghhh..whatever la..hahahah..i'm stilllllll young ok...hehehe