Monday, January 31, 2011


Sunday, January 30, 2011

By beedoublek
shannensantos28:  :D

yup..its happen to me rite now..n i dont want this feeling..go away!!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

When you see a guy you like on facebook:

and you go through their pictures like:

then you hit that one picture he has with a girl and you’re like:

so you rush desperately to his info section to see if he’s taken like:

and then you see this:

and you’re like:

and then you realize that you have ABSOLUTELY no chance with him and you’re like…

and you go through their pictures like:

yeahhh....thats me..pliss trust..huhuh...

By Ran Yaniv Hartstein

Yeah..just shy..shy..shy..n shy...huhu...bkn sombong!
Aku xpenah rse sedih mcm kali ni aku rse sedih sgt...rse nak org dlm bilik..nt org tnye pulak kenape..n..aku xsuke bile aku tgh sedih n ade sumone yg really2 concern bout me..n ask me why..otomatik..lagi rse nak nangis...waaaaa...xsukenye perasaan ni....

Kalau aku tahu bende ni akan jadi..aku xkan..NEVER..NEVER..NEVER...menaruh harapan sebegini rupa..yg lastly..end up dgn perasaan yg keciwa sgt2...Ya Allah...knape dlm hal mcm ni..aku xpnah dpt ape yg aku suke..ape yg aku xslhkan Dia...i know..He knows what is the best for me...yeahh..thats true...just xthu how nak cope with this feeling yg mmg sgt2 mengganggu hidup aku sampai rse xtenang...


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

They say all the good ones are taken? Uhm, hello I’M SINGLE!

huk3....yeah..i'm single doesn't means that aku is just because i'm not really trust in any relationship before married except when i have finished my study n my financial pun dh ok n stabil..baru la boleh pk pasal love2 n boleh trus pk kawen sbb sume dh complete!! i can accept u as my partner at that time dh gilerrr...berangan sebentar sblm katil mmanggil...hahah..bye!!!

Friday, January 21, 2011


hahah..yeahhh...i know..kamu pun mcm ni jgk kan...dont tipu me la...hahaha

fortheloveofhawaii:  :D


Monday, January 17, 2011

Hmmm...yeahhh..i like u..n i hope that u like me toooo...hahaha..i hope u can read this post very2 well....
jiwaku yg xtenteram..n now..i dont know how can I express my feeling rite now...blur la...cant think anymore..n yeah..i hope he can tell me that he likes me too...yabedabeduuu..

Ya Allah..jika dia adalah jodohku..dekatkanlah hatinya dgn dia bkn ditakdirkan utkku..aku redha Ya mohon spy ditenangkan hati ini....aminnn

Sunday, January 16, 2011

I'm single but I always seem to give relationship advice to my friends...hak3

Oh..yeahhh..thats me...hahah..i'm always like to give advice or "ceramah" (free ok) my frennn...(dorang ingt i'm a professor cinta??")huhuhu..sumtimes..i'm ok with ol of those thingsss..but...sumtimes jgk..tired of being "councelor" if they dont want to accept my advice..sighh!..rse geram sgt2..rse mcm nak sumbat org tu dlm mulut buaye..huhu..if u cant follow what i said to u come see BUKAN Datuk Fadzilah pun..sbb..I'm a GOOD LISTENER....heheh

HAhaha..wpun xde experience sgt..(dlu cinte2 monyet jek..gatal sgt kecik2 dlu..hahah)

Saturday, January 15, 2011

love u all

My Best friend.

We laugh at each other’s retarded jokes:

We like to make weird faces in class:

We like to dance to our favorite songs:

We don’t care if we eat like ....... in front of each other:

We hate the same people:

We like the same people:

I love my frensss:

When your friend tells you that they’ve seen someone who looks like you,

Hey!!..I am the one and only...hahaha

ni bukan post yg jiwang...

It is difficult when we fall in love to da person yg we never know if die suke kite jgk atau x....hmmmmm...ntahla..

kdg2..this matter sgt2 menganggu hidup....smpai rse geram...sgt2..why i have to face it!!

haishhh..hidup xtenteram..i dont want this feeling yg sgt2 merosakkan my life..warghhhh...Ya me...

  • Girl : Do you like me ?
  • Boy : No
  • Girl : Well okay then , bye .
  • Boy : Wait , you didn't asked me whether I loved you ...
  • Girl : Do you love me ?
  • Boy : Nope , bye!!!.

ok..kalau jadi mcm ni..hows ur reaction??? * buat2 pengsan*...hahaha...huh!!

hahaha...thats true pun yg nyanyi hepi bday to me..eh2..ade2..only my frensssss...hehehe..awkward moment ok!!

my bday is on August..n..yeahh..august people are awesome rite...hahah(msuk troli sorong sndri)..
si A : hmm...kalau die suke aku..kenape die xtego aku pun..(muke sedih)
si B : hahaha...aah kan...(sori tergelak)...die malu kot huhu...or mayb....die...
si A : ape???
si B : hmmm..die xsuke u la tuh....(muke slumber giler)
si A : ekkk...huhu..yela...(diam2 menangis)
si B : glupppp...(rse bersalah giler)....trus tgk lantai yang kotor...

hahaha...r u brave enuf to say it???
ermmm...rsenye x kot...heheh...

Friday, January 14, 2011

I learned a lot about friendships. I lost people that were once my best friends. I lost old friendships that I thought would last beyond high school. People I once trusted ended up showing me the opposite. Although I lost those people, I also built more valuable relationships with the people who stayed. I kept the friends that really mattered. I gained stronger friendships with people who were there for me. I realized that besides family, I only have a few people I can truly rely on, but that’s okay. Having a huge group of friends isn’t that great when most can care less about you. In the end, having a few valuable friendships with people who really have your back is always worth so much more.


Your friend asks you if you’re doing anything during the weekend:

You’re like, “Yeah, I’m so busy!”:


But actually, you’ll be on Facebook 24/7:


I like turtles because they’re so chill. They don’t hurt anyone. They’re just like, “Hey man, I want to swim, and maybe eat some lettuce. But I’m gonna take my time getting there, I’m not in a rush. Because I’m a turtle.”...hahaha


When the guy you like does something cute and you have to just tell your best friend all about it and freak out together.

hahah...aishah david...ko mesti jatuh mcm ni kan dalam monorel..hahaha..pity u stil nk tergelak..hohoho..sorry beb!!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

pencuri yg B****

ari jumaat lps ( 31/12/2010)...jam 7 pg lbih2..pencuri yg sgt2 b**** nak cuba mencuri kat taman rumah ktorg...

mule2..mayb dlm 5-6 am si pencuri ni dh stat kluar rumah menuju ke rumah sasaran...

1st sasaran --> rumah yg baru siap n belum berpenghuni..ape punye stupid la pencuri ni..rumah yg xde org pun nk mencuri..pdn muke..dh la plan time sume org g surau tuk solat subuh lak tuh..haishhh....then...ade org blakang rumah tuh nmpk then trus report polis..mase tu mayb si pencuri tu dah cabot (penakot jugak)..hahaha...dh lps xdpt amik ape2 dari rumah pencuri yg B**** ni pun g pulak umah sblh kpd umah yg xjadi mencuri tuh...ish2...

2nd sasaran --> jiran kpd rumah jgk..mayb sbb xdpt bukak gate die kot..n sliding door yg xleh bukak...padan muke skali lg..hahaha..lps tuh..dh xmenjdi rumah tuh..hmmm

3rd sasaran n mayb yg last kot --> umah sy!!!kuang asam punye pencuri...huhu...haishh..mse tuh xde spe pun kat umah..around 7 am..then..dlm 7.20 cm tuh..ktorg pun balik umah..bukak gate..tibe2 nmpk pintu rumah terbuka..hmmm...jntung laju giler time tuh..dh agk dh...mst pencuri atopun pintu ttp nk msuk umah...huhu..tggu mak yg tgh jln2 kaki..cpt2 ckp..kate pntu terbuka n mak pun kela kabut g tgk..hah..mmg sah!!!..pencuri masuk sbb gate terkopak cket..giler pnye pencuri...(dlm kpale mse tu tgh pk...hbs la lptop2 n hp2 dlm blik tuh..waaa)..pastu..mak g tgk belakang umah lak..hah..pintu dapur terbuka luas!!bedebah punye pencuri!..pastu cpt2 msuk umah dgn mak g bilik hujung..lega gile2 sbb tgk lptop stil ade ats katil..hp ade..hahaha....rupe2nye..pencuri tu xsempat nk curi ape2 pun dlm umah ktorg...sbb...mse ktorg blik tuh..jiran ade ckp..pencuri tuh bru bbrapa mnt lari..sbb..die g rumah sblh n bertembung dgn jiran yg tgh sapu sampah..akibt terkejut..terus die amik selipar jiran n lompat pagar blkg n terus cabotttt...act..mse aku tgh buka pgr rumah tu..die terdengar n trus cpt2 lari ikut pintu blkg..smpt lg cari kunci mangga ...hahaha..mest si pencuri tu dh kecut perut kan time tuh...hahah...padan muke tuk kali ke 3..xdpt nak mencuri ape2!!..

mengikut kate jiranku..rupa fizikal si pencuri tuh..not bad la...putih..sorg yg kemas jgk la...sorg je...pakai tshirt n sluar pendek..mcm ank org2 berada...hmmm..nsblah ktorg blik cpt jgk..kalo x...lesap la 3 bijik lptop..begduit...hp2..huhuh...syukur jumaat...huhu..

sbnrnye..pencuri ni tgl die pnye selipar kat depan umah ktorg..akibat ktorg balik..n die jdi kelam xsempat nk amik selipar dia n g sapu selipar jiran pulak..aishhh...ape pnye pencuri la yg kurang cerdik nih..aishhh..hahaha...rumah ktorg dh 4 org dh msuk umah..1st..mmg hilg byk gk la tu msuk uah sbb nk mengendap..yg ni lg kurang cerdik punye org...hahah..yg ketiga..time subuh..n my sis ade dlm rumah mse tuh..hbs jgk la lptop satu..n duit2..n yg last yg bru2 ni...hmmmmmmm...dunia2....